Evermatt Anthracite | Pietra Dark
With a smile in every corner of apartment
Our apartment is our world. Everything here should work for us and to our liking. From the first glance in the morning to the final touch in the evening - home should be beautiful and pleasant. The high-end interior we present to you today is just that. Meticulously detailed to meet every wish of its owners. It has been fully equipped with furniture from Sykora. Not just in the kitchen but in every corner.

Sykora dark kitchen will brighten up your day
The centre of the apartment, as it should be, is the kitchen. It includes a double-wall assembly and a spacious island. All in a dark Evermatt Anthracite finish. Underneath the appliances, there is a handy drawer system for stowing away baking trays or bulkier pots. Dishes can also be placed directly into the island - because it includes drawers with silent travel and full extension. The tall corner cabinet is also very convenient, and owners can't help but love the giant fridge, which is neatly hidden in the assembly, so it doesn't distract and serves perfectly when its time comes.
A spectacular view even when you're not looking out the window
The dark kitchen with Pietra Dark worktop flows seamlessly into the living room, which offers stunning views of Prague's historic centre. Here we installed lower cabinets matching the colour of the floor in Creative Natural Oak. They feature a hinged opening and plenty of internal space for storing TV accessories, a DVD library and other paraphernalia for long evenings.

The recipe for a beautiful sleep
The apartment has two bedrooms. The owners use the first one as a working room - we designed and created a custom desk with many handleless drawers that open by simply pushing them. Three large wardrobes keep them company. In the future, this room will be turned into a children's room. As for the master bedroom, it will now finally provide the owners with complete privacy and is another decoration of the residence - all according to the latest trends.

Druhá ložnice
Kromě denního a nočního stolku je zde i šatna s posuvnými dveřmi. Na nich, stejně jako například na obložení u vstupu do bytu, jsou použité zrcadlové stěny. Nejenže umožňují pohodlnou kontrolu, zda jsou oblečené šaty bez poskvrnky a kravata je perfektně uvázaná, navíc prostor opticky rozšiřují a dodávají mu další punc luxusu.
Oblečení dělá člověka, šatna dělá byt
Malou šatnu objevíte také v chodbě u vchodových dveří. Je rozdělena na část pro boty a na prosklenou skříň pro odložení věcí na ramínku. Její přídavnou funkcí je zakrytí původních nezvhledných rozvodných dveří. Skříň hned vedle ukrývá pračku se sušičkou a úklidové potřeby.