Book a design consultation

Let us meet in the form of a video call, a regular phone call, or through web applications such as Google Meets. Complete our simple form and your nearest retailer will contact you as soon as possible to start your journey to a new kitchen.

Complete our simple form and your nearest retailer will contact you as soon as possible to start your journey.

The form also includes information about your favourite products.
This will give the studio staff a better overview of your preferences, they can also better prepare for the meeting.

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy.

Vizovice factory

Sykora, spol. s r. o.

Razov 1204
763 12
T +420 725 243 547

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Razov 1204
763 12

T +420 725 243 547

Vizovice headquarters


Nearest kitchen studios

Book a design consultation

Fill our simple form and your nearest retailer will contact you as soon as possible to start your journey.

The form also includes information about your favourite products.
This will give the studio staff a better overview of your preferences, they can also better prepare for the meeting.

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy.